About Melanie
Owner & Operator
Melanie Diana is the owner of Such A Find Estate Liquidation. She has been liquidating estates for over 20 years and specializes in valuations, downsizing, and estate sale services.
We typically have two to three sales a weekend, averaging almost two hundred a year. In addition to on-site sales, we also list thousands of items on eBay each year, and for higher-end items, we have a close working relationship with several local auctioneers.
Our goal is to offer personalized solutions for those looking to move or downsize and help you get the most out of your estate. We understand that every situation is different, and that is where Melanie's experience comes in.

Such A Find Estate Liquidation
Our Sales
Our estate sales are generally one to two days depending upon how much is in the home.
Our sales are staffed to ensure everything runs smoothly. We have employees at the front door to manage the flow of traffic, throughout the house to answer questions and lastly at checkout, to ensure we keep things moving quickly.
Our sales have become so popular around town that it isn't uncommon to have people waiting at least an hour before the sale opens!
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